(301) 722-6666
350 Byrd Ave
Cumberland, MD 21502
Tim Martin
[email protected]
Michael Bratton
[email protected]
Jessica Barth
[email protected]
From the July 1, 2015 United States Census Bureau Allegany County, Maryland, in which Cumberland is the County Seat, reported a population of 72,528. The breakdown is 47.8% Female and 52.2% Male. Allegany County has 33,222 housing units as reported July 1, 2014 with owner occupied housing having a median value of $120,800.00 between 2010-2014. Average monthly mortgage on selected owner homes was $1,112.00/ month. In that same period of time, occupancy per home averaged 2.32 persons. 87.4% of the population age 25+ had education of High School Graduate or higher! The median household income in the 2010-2014 date range was $39,794 in 2014 Dollars. Allegany County is 424.16 square miles, and the density of population is 177 per square mile according to the 2010 US Census Data.
Business find the Cumberland Region an attractive place to set up operations for a variety of reasons.
- Our geographic location: We are strategically located in Allegany County, MD, which is the County Seat. Cumberland is served by Interstate 68 East and West and by US Rt 220 North and South. We are about halfway between Pittsburgh, PA, and Washington, D.C.
- Out qualify of life for employees is well served by the many benefits of our location and the beauty of our natural surroundings.
- The history of Allegany County with its rich tradition of a skilled work force in manufacturing, education, transportation, and health care.
- New retail, tourism, and industry are just a few of the factors to benefit and grow from the economic climate of the Cumberland Region.
Our region is in the middle of “Mountain Maryland” because we’re surrounded by scenic mountain ridges and a breathtaking expanse of blue skies. As part of the beautiful Western part of the state, Cumberland is the backdrop to friendly communities. From Frostburg to Flintstone, from Oakland to Grantsville, from Hancock to Accident, the Cumberland Region is a mixture of medium size towns and quaint villages. Our area continues to expand and grow in the areas of education, research, healthcare, the arts & entertainment, manufacturing, and retail.
- The Cumberland region is the home of Frostburg State University and Allegany College of Maryland, so education is one of our top priorities.
- Our community guides the education of our children with the strong vision of the Allegany County Board of Education. Plans for a new Allegany High School are complete and construction will begin soon. This will be the second new High School built in recent years as Mountain Ridge High School was completed several years ago!