Everyone knows that when it comes to marketing, it all about location and getting your message into the hands of your potential clients. With the influx of mobile usage, marketers have become more effective at targeting your clients exactly when and where you want to through location based advertising.
Location based advertising has come a long way over that last few years and is making a huge splash for local advertisers taking the plunge into mobile marketing. In particular, Geo-Fencing is getting a lot of attention right now and it works by using location based services through any mobile device that has locations services turned on. It allows the advertiser to target potential clients by setting up “invisible” fences around a specific geographical area and then delivering ads or messages to the mobile users that enter the fenced area through their mobile device. You can now theoretically, fish where the fish are!
The best thing about Geo-Fencing is that it can work so well for many different business categories that are trying to target new customers. Their message may be different but the goal is all the same: Target new local business!
The opportunities are endless when it comes to Geo-Fencing but here are 5 great examples of how it is working for local businesses today:
- Auto Dealers – Target potential customers before & after they visit their lot.
- Dentist Offices – Target “family friendly” locations to draw in new clients.
- Furniture Stores – Target local shoppers or new home owners in newly developed areas.
- Staffing Companies – Target potential employees throughout specific local areas.
- Landscaping – Target clients in local neighborhoods looking for seasonal service.
Interested in setting up your own Geo-Fencing campaign or have additional questions? Contact the FMDi team today to discuss how mobile marketing can help you reach your target customers!